Offers multiple wishlists and compare advanced features for Virtuemart customers.
Offers wishlists and compare features for Virtuemart3 customers: Wishlists , Havelists , Collection lists , Favelists , Wedding lists, Recurrent purchases lists , etc.
Key features:
- Unlimited lists (wishlist havelist favlist etc...)
- A list can be set to Wedding list mode so that when a purchase is made from this list, product is removed from the list (or tagged as purchased) and list owner can be notified
- NEW: Compare table: Products can be added to a compare table.
- NEW: Customer can drag & drop products to reorder the compare table
- NEW: Customer can select compare fields in a preselected list (preselected by admin) of fields ( VMCustom fields supported )
- Privacy: plublic, site members, friends (CB, Easysocial or Jomsocial), private (owner only) by list
- Category filter for each list
- AJAX 'Add to list' Buttons and Add to compare buttons, with live update of the lists items counters
- Flexible button positioning (product details and browse page, descriptions or addtocart area) depending on content or vmcustom plugins
- Fully responsive + eyecandy jQuery Masonry effect (similar layout effect as Pinterest) for products lists layout
- Guest wishlists stored in Cookie and imported on login
- List summary + URL + Feed URL emailed to customer and admin when first item added
- List RSS feed for public lists so user can add it to their blogs site apps etc...
- 'Who added it' buttons (with optional Community Builder, Jomsocial, Easysocial integration)
- Fully Multilingual + English and French provided
- Add to cart button & VMcustom fields integrated
- EASY : automated install process and updates, no hack, no code to add, at all ! (unlike competitors).
- Optional Amazon Partners Affiliate program integration if VM in catalogue mode
- jQuery Bootstrap Fontawesome, Joomla3 & VM3 Native
- SEF compliant
- 1 Year downloads & support - Unlimited time & sites - No backlink. No hack, GPL open source, no encryption.
When installing, a script automaticaly processes required tasks.
Here is what it does:
- Intalls com_vm2wishlists component
- Creates default Wishlist
- Checks that Joomla plugins option is enabled in Virtuemart config. Enables it if not yet enabled. (required for plg_content_vm2wishlists plugin to show 'Add to list' buttons on product details page)
- Installs plugin to show 'Add to list' buttons on product details page and enables it.
- Installs plugin to show 'Add to list' icons buttons on Virtuemart category pages (for each product) and enables it.
- Creates (if none exist yet) a VMCUSTOM field with the plg_vmcustom_vm2wishlists plugin and adds it to every published products as the highest oredering value for vmcustom fields so that wishlist buttons always show newt to the Addtocart button.
- Installs mod_vm2wishlists_mylists to list wishlists and compare buttons (to access lists content and compare table) in a module
- Installs mod_toplisted_products listing most added products for a specific list in a module
Here is what it does NOT do automaticaly (Wedding list mode):
- It includes but does not install . It provides the download link if you want to install it (Only required if using the Wedding list mode). This one notifies list owner when a product from his Wedding list wishlist is purchased.
- It includes but does not install . It provides the download link if you want to install it (Only required if using the Wedding list mode). This one removes products from a list when purchased
Now you got the point. This is a MUST have extension for any Virtuemart3 site. The best Virtuemart Wishlists component !